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Accesses to IC3 resources


Any member who needs to access PHI/restricted data is mandatory to take IRB trainings and added into IRBs before obtaining any accesses.

To consult about IRB issues, please contact Armfield, Brooke A or Davidson, Andrea.


Shared folder and Databases

Shared folder and databases are the infrastructures for storage. Both of them are managed by UF Health IT in restricted UF Health network.
Shared folder is used to store datasets and in-house developed codes as flat files.
Databases are used to store structed, cleaned data.

To obtain the access to shared folder/databases, here is the work flow:

  1. PI needs to send requests to IC3 Data Core on behalf of the user.
  2. Wasykowski, Natalie is the project manager.
  3. If the user has IRB issues, please contact Armfield, Brooke A or Davidson, Andrea.
Mount the shared folder with local machine
1. Open file explorer and go to "My Computer."
2. Right click anywhere in the "My Computer" window and select "add network location" from the drop-down list.
3. A window will pop up asking you where you would like to create your network location. Select "Choose a custom location."
4. In the input box that comes up, type in \\\files\DOM\SHARE
    The login account is : UFAD\userName (eg. UFAD\ziyuan.guan)
    The password is : gatorlink password
5. Name your new location "Share," and proceed to the final window. Click "Finish."

To access the databases:

Please refer to database access tutorial to access the databases.

IC3 GitHub

IC3 GitHub is private, please contact with Guan, Ziyuan(Chester) to obtain the access.

IC3 Servers

To access servers, PI needs to send requests to IC3 System Core on behalf of the team member.


There are two ways to access the computational resources:

1. Create Jupyter Notebook Server container for users

This method is suitable for short-team projects, OPS students and beginners. It's the quickest way to get the computational resources currently.

  • Pros:
  1. No need to send IT tickets to add user into the server.
  2. It's easier to control the permissions of the user.
  3. Our customized Jupyter notebook docker image has already installed packages for data processing and model training.
  • Cons:
  1. Users only has the permissions for limited resources and files.
  2. Users cannot use docker containers.

IC3 System Core manages the Jupyter Notebook Server containers.

2. Add user into server

This method is suitable for long-term projects, PHD students, data scientists and engineers.

  • Pros:
  1. Direct access to the server and docker container.
  2. Able to create personal environments.
  • Cons:
  1. Need to send IT tickets to add user into the server.
  2. User needs to have fundamental knowledge to use Linux command lines.
  3. User's casual operations might crash other people's work.


HiPerGator Groups

Currently, IC3 has 4 HiPerGator groups. 3 of them are built for PrismaP teams while the other one is for IC3 educational purposes.

To get the details about HiPerGator, please refer to HiPerGator Workspace

UF Health VPN

UF Health IT manages the accounts who are able to use UF health VPN.
Please contact with IC3 System Core to get the access.


Please remove the accesses asap when members left the projects.